Destroyed Property

   ObjectTemplate.Destroyed boolean

Argument values:

argument 1:    1; most commonly 1

Description: This property denotes that an object spawns as destroyed. It is used mainly for effects, e.g. parts of the flak gun flying through the air.

Related properties: Geometry, HasMobilePhysics

Used in object types (and how often in each type): Bundle (16%), simpleobject (2%)

Used in a total of 60 .con files: Objects.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, objects/Objectives, objects/MOVE_FILES, objects/Effects, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/MOVE_FILES/Wreck_B17_3_m1/Objects.con)
   ObjectTemplate.Create Bundle Wreck_B17_3_m1
   ObjectTemplate.SaveInSeparateFile 1
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry Wreck_B17_3_m1
   ObjectTemplate.SetHasCollisionPhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetHasResponsePhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.Destroyed 1
   ObjectTemplate.HasMobilePhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.SinkInToLandAfterDeathSpeed 0.1
   ObjectTemplate.Mass 1200
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate e_ScrapMetalSmoke
   ObjectTemplate.Startoneffects 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition 0/0.7/-1.7
   ObjectTemplate.SetRotation 0/0/0

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