AlphaOverTime Property

   ObjectTemplate.AlphaOverTime time/x[|time/x...]

Argument values:

argument 1:    0/0.000089|50/0.440089|80/0.640089|100/0, 0/0.03003|24/0.5|100/0, 0/0.05002|31/0.179998|65/0.059999|100/0.01001, 0/0.089999|14/0.749992|33/1|59/0.820002|81/0.249992|100/0, 0/0.089999|15/0.430006|33/0.619999|59/0.509995|100/0, ...

Description: This property is used to fade effects in and out over time. The values are in terms of "time/alpha", each separated by a "|". The TimeToLive property says how long the object will actually live. This argument is a Percentage Series type of argument. The alpha is how opaque the effect object is, a value from 1 (fully opaque) to 0 (fully transparent). The alpha is then linearly interpolated between the alphas set for the given times.

Related properties: ColorRGBAOverTime, TimeToLive

Used in object types (and how often in each type): Particle (53%)

Used in a total of 94 .con files: Effects.con

Parent directory of these .con files: objects/Effects

Example: (from objects/Effects/e_WaterTouchPlane/Effects.con)
   rem *** Fx_WaterTouchPlane ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create Particle Fx_WaterTouchPlane
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry watermesh_streak_m1
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive CRD_UNIFORM/5/10/0
   ObjectTemplate.Size CRD_NONE/10/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.SizeModifier 3/1/0.5
   ObjectTemplate.SizeOverTime 0/0.300012|27/0.9|100/1
   ObjectTemplate.AlphaOverTime 0/1|60/1|100/0.0

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