MaterialMap Property

   GeometryTemplate.MaterialMap name

Argument values:

argument 1:    bf1942\levels\Aberdeen\Materialmap, bf1942\levels\BattleAxe\Materialmap, bf1942\levels\Battle_of_Britain\Materialmap, bf1942\levels\Battle_of_the_Bulge\Materialmap, bf1942\levels\Berlin\Materialmap, bf1942\levels\Bocage\Materialmap, ...

Description: This property gives the path and name of the .raw file that is used to specify the overall materials of the terrain, with numbers 0-15 (the top 4 bits of each byte are not used):

  0 Default
  1 Water
  2 Dry Grass
  3 Juicy Grass
  4 Dry Dirt
  5 Wet Dirt
  6 Mud
  7 "You are leaving the battlefield"
  8 Gravel
  9 Frozen Ground
 10 Dry Sand
 11 Wet Sand
 12 Rock Surface
 13 Sand Road
 14 Wet Road
 15 Paved Road

The heightmap file for the terrain is specified by the File property. The MaterialSize property specifies the dimensions of this image. TexBaseName sets the location of the actual high-resolution color textures.

Related properties: DetailTexName, File, MaterialSize, TargetTriCount, TexBaseName, TexOffsetX, TexOffsetY, WaterLevel, WorldSize

Used in object types (always present 100% of the time): patchTerrain

Used in a total of 35 .con files: Terrain.con

Parent directory of these .con files: Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Coral_Sea/Init/Terrain.con)
   rem **** Initialize Terrain *****
   GeometryTemplate.Create patchTerrain terrainGeometry
   GeometryTemplate.File bf1942\levels\Coral_sea\Heightmap
   GeometryTemplate.MaterialMap bf1942\levels\Coral_sea\Materialmap
   GeometryTemplate.MaterialSize 512
   GeometryTemplate.TargetTriCount 5000
   GeometryTemplate.WorldSize 2048
   GeometryTemplate.YScale 0.6
   GeometryTemplate.TexBaseName bf1942\levels\Coral_sea\Textures\Tx
   GeometryTemplate.TexOffsetX 2
   GeometryTemplate.TexOffsetY 2
   GeometryTemplate.DetailTexName bf1942\levels\Coral_sea\Textures\Detail
   GeometryTemplate.WaterLevel 38
   GeometryTemplate.SeaFloorLevel 0
   GeometryTemplate.WaveHeight 0.0

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