SetTorque Property

   ObjectTemplate.SetTorque number

Argument values:

argument 1:    range is 1.5 to 500; most commonly 3.5

Description: The torque is the pulling power of an Engine. It is used in combination with SetDifferential to calculate the overall speed of the engine. The value is tied to the speed of the vehicle and is not affected by its mass. Raising the torque will allow vehicles to go faster and up steeper inclines, for example. See the Engine description for more details.

Related properties: SetAcceleration, SetAutomaticReset, SetDifferential, SetEngineType, SetInputToRoll, SetMaxRotation, SetMaxSpeed

Used in object types (and how often in each type): Engine (63%)

Used in a total of 76 .con files: Physics.con, Weapons.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Land/Katyusha/Physics.con)
   rem *** Katyusha_Engine ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create Engine Katyusha_Engine
   ObjectTemplate.SetNetworkableInfo KatEngineInfo
   ObjectTemplate.SetAttachToListener 1
   ObjectTemplate.LoadSoundScript Sounds/KatyushaEngine.ssc
   ObjectTemplate.HasMobilePhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.HasCollisionPhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.HasResponsePhysics 1
   rem -------------------------------------
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate Katyusha_Wheel_BackL
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition -1.1/-0.5/-4.399
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate Katyusha_Wheel_BackR
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition 1.1/-0.5/-4.399
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate Katyusha_Wheel_BackLDummy
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition -1.099/-0.5/-2.999
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate Katyusha_Wheel_BackRDummy
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition 1.1/-0.5/-2.999
   rem -------------------------------------
   ObjectTemplate.SetMinRotation 0/0/-1
   ObjectTemplate.SetMaxRotation 0/0/1
   ObjectTemplate.SetMaxSpeed 0/0/10
   ObjectTemplate.SetAcceleration 0/0/10
   ObjectTemplate.SetInputToRoll c_PIThrottle
   ObjectTemplate.SetAutomaticReset 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetEngineType c_ETCar
   ObjectTemplate.SetTorque 3.5
   ObjectTemplate.SetDifferential 5
   ObjectTemplate.SetNumberOfGears 4
   ObjectTemplate.SetGearUp 0.85
   ObjectTemplate.SetGearDown 0.4
   ObjectTemplate.SetGearChangeTime 0.05

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