MaxNrOfObjectSpawned Property

   ObjectTemplate.MaxNrOfObjectSpawned number

Argument values:

argument 1:    range is 1 to 6; most commonly 2

Description: The default is 1. This is used in ObjectSpawnTemplate.con battle files to specify how many objects of the given type will spawn at an object's spawn point. That is, if set to 2, you could drive a vehicle off and another vehicle of the same type will spawn there, even though the first vehicle was not destroyed. In BF 1942 this value is set to 2 or 3 for airplanes or jeeps on some maps, e.g. Gazala. See NrOfObjectToSpawn if you want to limit the total overall number of objects to spawn.

Related properties: MaxSpawnDelay, MinSpawnDelay, NrOfObjectToSpawn, SpawnDelay, SpawnDelayAtStart

Used in object types (and how often in each type): ObjectSpawner (4%)

Used in a total of 35 .con files: Objects.con, Objectspawntemplates.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Kharkov/TDM/ObjectSpawnTemplates.con)
   ObjectTemplate.Create ObjectSpawner DiveBomberSpawner
   ObjectTemplate.SetObjectTemplate 2 Ilyushin
   ObjectTemplate.SetObjectTemplate 1 Stuka
   ObjectTemplate.MinSpawnDelay 40
   ObjectTemplate.MaxSpawnDelay 80
   ObjectTemplate.SpawnDelayAtStart 0
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive 45
   ObjectTemplate.Distance 40
   ObjectTemplate.DamageWhenLost 10
   ObjectTemplate.MaxNrOfObjectSpawned 2

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