Tree Mesh Export/Import

Tree Mesh Export Group

Pick Collision: Pickbutton for designating a collision mesh.
Add Branch: Adds geometry rendered as a branch to the treemesh file to be exported
Add Trunk: Adds geometry rendered as a trunk to the treemesh file to be exported
Add Sprite: Adds geometry rendered as a sprite to the treemesh file to be exported
Force Material ID: When checked, the material ID specified will be used instead of per face material IDs of the collision mesh.
Material ID: Specifies the value to use as the material ID when forcing the collision mesh to a single value.
Remove Item: Removes the selcted item from the listbox.
Scale: Adjusts the size of the model
Export .tm: Exports a .tm file

Tree Mesh Import Group

Scale: Adjusts the size of the model
IMPORT ...: Imports a .tm model

Billboard Rendering Group

Resolution: Adjusts the output height resolution of the billboard. (128 is typical)
Render Billboard: Renders the selected object to a billboard image to be saved as the .tm filename and into the treemesh\billboards\ directory.