SeatAnimationLowerBody Property

   ObjectTemplate.SeatAnimationLowerBody name

Argument values:

argument 1:    Lb_PassengerInHanomag, Lb_PassengerInKubelWagen, Lb_PassengerInKubelwagen, Lb_PassengerInM3GMC, Lb_PassengerInM3a1, Lb_PassengerInWilly, Lb_PassengerWithWeapons; most commonly Lb_PassengerInHanomag

Description: For jeeps, APCs, rafts, and the C-47 (or any other vehicle where there are passengers not interacting with objects in the vehicle). Sets the animation for a vehicle position, namely how the lower body is animated. These animation states are defined in Animations/AnimationStatesVehicle.con but SeatAnimationLowerBody will accept any animation state of a lower body, so you could use an animation state for the player crouching with a gun, also e.g. Lb_Crouch (These other animation states are defined in the various other con files in the animations directory).

Related properties: Grip, SeatAnimationUpperBody, SeatFlags

Used in object types (and how often in each type): SeatObject (21%)

Used in a total of 29 .con files: Objects.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Land/LVT4/Objects.con)
   ObjectTemplate.Create SeatObject WaterBuffaloPassengerSeat
   ObjectTemplate.SeatFlags c_SeatShowFullBodySoldier
   ObjectTemplate.SeatFlags c_SeatIsOutside
   ObjectTemplate.SeatAnimationUpperBody Ub_PassengerInKubelwagen
   ObjectTemplate.SeatAnimationLowerBody Lb_PassengerInKubelwagen

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