ObjectiveName Property

   ObjectTemplate.ObjectiveName name

Argument values:

argument 1:    Clacton_RadarTower, DOOR, East_Harwick_RadarTower, Factory, Felixstowe_RadarTower, SAFE, SILO_1, SILO_2, SILO_3, TURBINE_1, TURBINE_2, UFO_1, UFO_2, V2_ROCKET1, V2_ROCKET2, V2_ROCKET3, V2_ROCKET4, V3_SHAFT1, ...

Related properties: SetNetworkableInfo, SetObjectiveDelay, SetTargetName

Used in object types (always present 100% of the time): DestroyTargetObjective

Used in a total of 7 .con files: Objectivespawnertemplates.con

Parent directory of these .con files: Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Mimoyecques/ObjectiveMode/ObjectiveSpawnerTemplates.con)
   rem ================ ObjectiveTemplates =====================
   rem // Axis = 1 , Allied = 2
   ObjectTemplate.Create DestroyTargetObjective DestroyTurbine01
   ObjectTemplate.SetNetworkableInfo ObjectiveInfo
   ObjectTemplate.SetTargetName Turbine01
   ObjectTemplate.ObjectiveName V3_SHAFT1
   ObjectTemplate.SetObjectiveDelay 1.0
   ObjectTemplate.SetTeam 2

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