HasDynamicShadow Property

   GeometryTemplate.HasDynamicShadow boolean

Argument values:

argument 1:    0, 1; most commonly 1

Description: If set to true (1), this object will cast a shadow that will change as the object moves, or if it is destroyed. The model must have a shadow mesh for this computation. Shadows from buildings, trees, and other static objects are usually "baked on" to the terrain map, so this property is false (0 - the default) for them. Normally this property is set for the large parts of an object, e.g. for the fuselage of a plane but no other plane objects. This is done to save on computation during the game.

Used in object types (and how often in each type): AnimatedMesh (10%), StandardMesh (10%)

Used in a total of 166 .con files: Geometries.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, objects/Soldiers, objects/HandWeapons, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Air/WasserfallRocket/Geometries.con)
   GeometryTemplate.Create StandardMesh WasserfallRocket_hull_m1
   GeometryTemplate.File Wasserfall_fly_m1
   GeometryTemplate.HasDynamicShadow 1
   rem *** This object was scaled up to fool the physics engine, here it is scaled down to make it look right ***
   GeometryTemplate.Scale 0.3/1/1
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 0 0
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 1 50
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 2 100
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 3 200
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 4 400
   GeometryTemplate.SetLodDistance 5 800

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