Billboard Property

   GeometryTemplate.Billboard boolean

Argument values:

argument 1:    1; most commonly 1

Description: A billboard is a way to represent an object using a single polygon with a texture on it, with this polygon always rotating along its vertical axis to most face the viewer. If this property is true (1), then the object has a billboard texture that represents it when the BillboardDistance is reached. Typically used for trees and bushes.

Related properties: BillboardDistance

Used in object types (always present 100% of the time): TreeMesh

Used in a total of 128 .con files: Geometries.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vegetation, objects/Buildings

Example: (from objects/Vegetation/Common/Pacific_Palm_2_M1/Geometries.con)
   GeometryTemplate.Create TreeMesh Pacific_Palm_2_M1
   GeometryTemplate.File Pacific_Palm_2_M1
   GeometryTemplate.SwayEnable 1
   GeometryTemplate.SwayRangeDegrees 1.1
   GeometryTemplate.Billboard 1
   GeometryTemplate.BillboardDistance 50

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