AddSearchMap Property

   Ai.AddSearchMap string number number number number number number boolean number number

Argument values:

argument 1:    Amphibius4, Boat, Boat2, Car4, Infantry1, LandingCraft3, Tank0, guada1; most commonly Tank0
argument 2:    range is 0 to 65; most commonly 0
argument 3:    range is -2000 to 5000; most commonly 0
argument 4:    range is 0 to 40; most commonly 30
argument 5:    range is 1 to 125.0; most commonly 3.0
argument 6:    range is 0.3 to 0.4; most commonly 0.3
argument 7:    range is 0.4 to 2.5; most commonly 2.5
argument 8:    0, 1; most commonly 0
argument 9:    [optional] range is 0 to 4; most commonly 2
argument 10:    [optional] range is 2 to 5; most commonly 5

This property is not a part of any defined type of object.

Used in a total of 32 .con files: Aipathfinding.con, Genericpathfinding.con

Parent directories of these .con files: Bf1942/Levels, ai

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Wake/AIpathFinding.con)
   if v_arg1 == host
   rem ----- Host
   rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   rem *** pathfinding debug mode
   rem game.aiPathfindingDebuggingActive 1
   rem *** Set number of maps ***
   rem ai.setNSearchMaps 2 *** DEPRICATED ***
   rem ai.setNSearchTypes 2 *** DEPRICATED ***
   rem *** Set number of AStar resources ***
   Ai.NumAStarResources 10
   rem *** Tank ***
   rem *** Setup map parameters ***
   rem *** searchMap name/waterHeight/waterDepth/maxSlope/brush/lowClipLevel/hiClipLevel/consideAITypes
   Ai.AddSearchMap Tank0 0 0 30 3.0 0.3 2.5 0 0 2
   Ai.AddSearchType Tank 0 0
   Ai.SetMapSpawnPoints 0 1409/703
   rem ,1032/1223,629/1098
   Ai.SetSmoothing 0 20
   rem *** Infantry ***
   Ai.AddSearchMap Infantry1 0 1.5 30 1.0 0.4 2.0 1 0 2
   Ai.AddSearchType Infantery 1 0
   Ai.SetMapSpawnPoints 1 1409/703
   rem ,1032/1223,629/1098
   Ai.SetSmoothing 1 10
   rem *** Boat ***
   Ai.AddSearchMap Boat2 1 5 0 125.0 0.3 2.5 0 2 5
   Ai.AddSearchType Boat 2 2
   Ai.SetMapSpawnPoints 2 100/100
   Ai.SetSmoothing 2 20
   rem *** LandingCraft ***
   Ai.AddSearchMap LandingCraft3 1 1.4 0 4.0 0.3 2.5 0 2 5
   Ai.AddSearchType LandingCraft 3 2
   Ai.SetMapSpawnPoints 3 100/100
   Ai.SetSmoothing 3 20
   rem *** Car ***
   rem *** Car ***
   Ai.AddSearchMap Car4 0 0 20 4.0 0.3 2.5 0
   Ai.AddSearchType Car 4 0
   Ai.SetMapSpawnPoints 4 1409/703
   Ai.SetSmoothin 4 6

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