CreateLandingZone Property

   AILandingZone.CreateLandingZone string x/y x/y name

Argument values:

argument 1:    AlliesLanding, AxisBase1BeachLanding, AxisBase1Landing, AxisBase2BeachLanding, AxisBase2Landing, AxisBase3Landing, AxisLanding, BridgeLanding, CentreLanding, EastLanding, IslandEastLanding, IslandLanding, ...
argument 2:    1030/851, 1040/830, 1060/649, 1068/1115, 1095/590, 1100/966, 1110.5/1158, 1110/593, 1127/871, 1200/820, 1234/789, 1440/938, 1690/2000, 1690/2145.5, 1973/1800, 2021/2206, 2034.5/1705, 219/786, 2220/1955, ...
argument 3:    1024/951, 1025/470, 1035/935, 1066.5/992, 1075/942, 1103/733, 1110/951, 1115/935, 1144/1038, 1148/1215, 1185/915, 1196/713, 1205.5/1218, 1248/700, 1300/874, 1320/940, 1560/1026, 1790/2184.5, 1992/2051, ...
argument 4:    LZXMax, LZXMin, LZZMax, LZZMin; most commonly LZZMax

This property is not a part of any defined type of object.

Used in a total of 9 .con files: Strategicareas.con

Parent directory of these .con files: Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Midway/ai/StrategicAreas.con)
   AiStrategicArea.Create SouthSea 1800/2415 1980/2506 10 sea
   rem aiStrategicArea.create EastSea 2559.5/1837.5 2760/2088 20 sea
   rem aiStrategicArea.create WestSea 972/1836 1172/2036 20 sea
   AILandingZone.CreateLandingZone NorthLanding 2021/2206 2171/2306 LZZMin
   AILandingZone.CreateLandingZone SouthLanding 2034.5/1705 2209.5/1905 LZZMax
   AILandingZone.CreateLandingZone SouthWestLanding 1973/1800 2026/1966 LZZMax
   AILandingZone.CreateLandingZone WestLanding 1690/2000 1992/2051 LZXMax
   AILandingZone.CreateLandingZone EastLanding 2220/1955 2370/2055 LZXMin
   AILandingZone.CreateLandingZone NorthWestLanding 1690/2145.5 1790/2184.5 LZXMax

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