Create Property

   AiStrategicArea.Create string x/y x/y number name

Argument values:

argument 1:    AAGun, ALLIES_BASE, AlliedAirfield, AlliedAirport, AlliedBase, AlliedBaseEntry, AlliedBunker, AlliedCrossRoad, AlliedVillage, Allied_EastAirfield, Allied_EastAirfieldAA, Allied_EastBridgeAA, Allied_EastFactoryAA, ...
argument 2:    1000/1139.5, 1023.5/1195, 1024.5/1107.5, 1025.99/732.382, 1037/798, 1048/1353, 1051/886, 1055/1237.5, 1056/1265, 1061/935.5, 1063.5/962.5, 1069.5/1233.5, 1071.5/916, 1075/670, 1076/1138, 1081/876.5, 1087.5/776.5, ...
argument 3:    1000.5/871.5, 1002/910, 1010/800, 1015/1153, 1016/1012, 1018/1193, 1026/1727, 1032/1113, 1035.99/742.382, 1051/1220, 1058/1363.5, 1065/1248, 1071/906, 1076/1285, 1076/951, 1078.5/978, 1087/848, 1088/680, ...
argument 4:    range is 0.2 to 400; most commonly 200
argument 5:    [optional] land, sea; most commonly land

Description: The Create command is used to inform the scripting engine that a new object is going to be created. All properties and commands following a create command will be applied to that object, until another create command or the end of the file is encountered.

Used in a total of 31 .con files: Strategicareas.con

Parent directory of these .con files: Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Gazala/ai/StrategicAreas.con)
   rem *** Create strategic areas ***
   AiStrategicArea.Create AlliedVillage 1627.5/578.5 1674/605 200

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