Argument values:
argument 1: | 5 |
This property is not a part of any defined type of object.
Used in a total of 2 .con files: Menu.con
Parent directory of these .con files: Bf1942/Game
Example: (from Bf1942/Game/Init/Menu.con)
Game.SetCrossHairRadius 5
Game.SetCrossHairSize 5
Game.SetCameraBlink 0.75 1.5
Game.SetPlayerBlink 1.0 2.0
Game.SetSonarRotationSpeed 0.025
Game.SetRadioTimeoutTime 25
Game.SetRadioFlashTime 7
Game.SetPlayerHitFlashTime 2
Game.SetNormalChatColor 0.7/0.7/0.7
Game.SetAxisChatColor 1/0.7/0.7
Game.SetAlliedChatColor 0.7/0.9/1
Game.SetAxisRadioColor 1/0.35/0.35
Game.SetAlliedRadioColor 0.4/0.6/1
Go to the Game properties list page, Game page, All Properties list, or Main scripting page.