Battlefield 1942 Information

A page linking to some worthwhile pages and sites about the game Battlefield 1942. There is also a Battlefield 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 site set of links.

My Pages

Frequently Asked Questions - just that, answers for commonly asked questions.
Annotated Maps - maps marked with vehicles, emplacements, ammo, medical, etc.
Tips and Tactics - lots and lots of them.
Weapons Effects and Grid O' Death - paper vs. scissors vs. rock.
Trevor Larkum's tank data file - tank vs. tank.
1shot1kill's Vehicle List - vehicles on each map.
Battlefield Mod Development Tools tutorials - some modding information of mine and many others, once hosted on long-dead sites, now here. Seems to have disappeared from the internet, so I'm putting my snapshot and local files from 2003 here - yes, there are dead links. The useful bits are the tutorials and scripting areas. You can download the tools website - note that this download includes the nice file MDT Documentation WIP 9-9-03.chm, a helpfile version of the website. It includes some video tutorials that the web version does not have. Beware that there are problems with capitalization in the web version, e.g., there are links that go to "tutorials" when they should have gone to "Tutorials". I've tried to correct all of these, but let me know of any pages where I have the URL wrong.
A full-sized poster of my signature file image.

Other Stuff

Fileplanet's BF 1942 section - lists all the important stuff. Get in line, soldier!
BF Tracks Live - Europe - a different stats site, mostly for Europe
Tips sites - a link to links...

go to my personal homepage

Eric Haines, a.k.a. [Fredhead] /

Last change: October 29, 2020