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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Monday, July 16 2012 @ 05:13 AM PDT  


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Quote by: [TPU]Darkryda

when there is a problem with 1 of the techs we are all pulled into a room and the words always go like this "i dont wanna say no names" or "im not gonna throw anyone under the bus, but...." i really really really hate that shit. to me im waisting my time in the meeting, cause the topic does not apply to me.

Oh man, you have no idea how much I can relate to that. I just quit my job at a gun store, partly because the manager did EXACTLY that. Only worse, because the thing he was talking about was missing inventory. So basically he was accusing all his staff of being thieves. The guy has no clue how to be a good manager. I could write a book...

Quote by: [TPU]Darkryda

maybe we should start naming names and what those names are doing. and start coming up with personal challenges. not just goals to hold a certain stats

Stats can definitely be misleading. One thing we could do is change the Points formula so that real team actions have more weight. So reduce the weight of kills and kill/death ratio, and increase the weight of repairs, healing, flag capture, etc.

As for naming people, you mean something like the ban list in the forums? We could do that. Call it "The Hall of Shame". List players by their most common name and keyhash, then describe the behaviour that earned them their place on the list. Allow for players to redeem themselves by showing improved behaviour, after which they might be removed from the shamehall. Unfortunately, I think I might end up there for my occasional lazy-ass base camping. LOL.

Anyway, I like what you said about challenging yourself in different ways on different maps. I certainly don't enjoy playing as much when the situation is too easy. There are certain things I try to do on each map, after first stopping my team from bleeding, anyway. It would be difficult to get people to play like that, however.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Tuesday, July 17 2012 @ 08:45 PM PDT  


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I usually base camp when its just me. and i need to get on more ug
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 Wednesday, July 18 2012 @ 10:40 AM PDT  

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Draco, yeah I hear ya on this one. When your alone in a game, I wouldn't hold it against anyone to base camp or be on a big team. I remember my first times on TPU when I was the most noob player you ever seen. I played on the big team them "when I was alone" because I didn't have a chance to win that round.

little over a year ago I had a idea that wasn't practical "TPU metals of honor" but it did give birth to newer ideas. Can stats be coded to record challenges? Like the kink challenge? Sort of goes like this: John Doe, novice pilot<----for passing the first flying challenge. With more challenges comes better grade. As in, if you pass all challenges, your giving a ace ranking. What better way to get players to have competition with each other.

Dark, you know how lately you and I would vote into a map that require total team work? We did a few maps and one in rtr, you set the stage for us to race to the axis base, get a stug and fight back from east to west. Man, that was killer sweet playing and it does make the game a heck of a lot more interesting and when you play like this, your showing team work over a stats ego.
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 Thursday, July 19 2012 @ 08:56 PM PDT  

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One would learn to do some proof reading. I meant " big team then" but wrote them. Oh brother, Like to talk but I hate writing lol.

You know Dark has a lot of good points on things and one was stats. I got to thinking about something and figured that for the past 5 or more years, TPU 1st slot has always been admins. Well, for the past four years for sure. Dark, then came Mojo and now I have that spot going on for a year and a half.<--and get this, as far as I know, all three of us don't care about stats even those it seem that we did and are. Not a Bot don't play much and the same for Jeff, so it's just the three of us. My thoughts? Should admins keep stats tracked? I mean we have been in the spot light with no one to really fight for that 1st slot.

I say let the players fight it out and climb, I really can't speak for the other admins but would it be fair to let players fight it out? Wouldn't that bring a fresh air to the plate? Seeing who can fight up to 1st? If not for this year then maybe when the stats are reset? One player said to me "you admins cheat to have scores like that" Yes, a real statement and a kinda disturbing one at that.

So, what if we did a new pole on this? To get players to vote yes or no for admin to be tracked? Be like those crazy shows on who is getting voted off lol. But, can you see what could happen? Players fighting to the top with out a admin owning the board. Heck, it may even bring players back who have giving up. Just a thought...Oh, when I say tracked? Have admins stats deleted like every mth or so. Only way I know how if your keyhash tracks you? But yes, bad idea? Or kinda good? Feed back would be appreciated.
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 Friday, July 20 2012 @ 01:24 AM PDT  


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Ug if my mother didnt pack my disc i would of been on today lol
And I need to get back in the top 10 Twisted
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Friday, July 20 2012 @ 04:52 AM PDT  


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Quote by: [TPU]Sisko

So, what if we did a new pole on this? To get players to vote yes or no for admin to be tracked? Be like those crazy shows on who is getting voted off lol. But, can you see what could happen? Players fighting to the top with out a admin owning the board. Heck, it may even bring players back who have giving up. Just a thought...Oh, when I say tracked? Have admins stats deleted like every mth or so. Only way I know how if your keyhash tracks you? But yes, bad idea? Or kinda good? Feed back would be appreciated.

Interesting idea. Doing this would involve a change to the stats code that would ignore specific CD keys. So it's doable, but I don't think I would vote for it, because the other players would know that the real top players were just missing from the stats.

I'm still leaning more towards changing the points formula to give more weight to K/D ratio and other team-oriented stats. Or to divide the calculated points by the number of rounds played to give an average instead of an overall total. Another thing we could do is reset the stats monthly instead of yearly, so that every month there would be a new contest.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Monday, September 10 2012 @ 02:09 AM PDT  


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Well im going to try getting back on here.
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